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2024 Yokkaichi Cycle Sports Festival "20th National Junior Bicycle Competition" 2024 Yokkaichi Cycle Sports Festival "20th National Junior Bicycle Competition"

Date: Sunday, October 27, 2024

A junior bicycle road race competition on public roads!

This event is a junior bicycle road race held on public roads.
Based on the concept of environmentally friendly bicycles, the event aims to raise interest in bicycle racing among young people who will lead the next generation, revitalize the local area through the healthy development of young people and the promotion of sports, and create a "holy land" that will be a hub for sports.
Participants will compete in multiple categories, including a class where they can participate using their regular child bikes.
Come and experience the passionate battle between the juniors!

[Target] Preschoolers (ages 3 and up), elementary school students, junior high school students, JCF year-round registrants (Junior and U-17)
[Venue] YokkaichiCity Prefecture
Mizusawa/Sakura area special course
"2004 Asian Cycling Championships Official Course" (2.4km, 9.0km/lap course)
[Reception location] Suzuka Mountain Research Park

Detailed information

Sunday, October 27, 2024
Mizusawa/Sakura area special course
telephone number
059-354-8482 (Yokkaichi Cycle Sports Festival Executive Committee Secretariat)
Access information by car

About 10 minutes by car from Yokkaichi IC

*Information current as of June 2024. Schedules, fees, etc. may have changed, so please check with the appropriate person in charge before visiting.

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