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[Recommended cherry blossom spots in 2024! ] Only those in the know know! TsuCity Temple geinocho “Famous Temple of Cherry Blossoms and Legends”

Fumonji Temple, located in TsuCity geinocho, is known as a famous temple of cherry blossoms and legends. In spring, the precincts are filled with cherry blossoms, and at night, when illuminated by lights, it becomes a fantastic sight. In addition, the temple houses a group of Buddhist statues that are designated as tangible cultural properties by TsuCity, as well as the legendary "Ghost Katasode," and the temple treasures can be seen on the opening day of the temple, which coincides with the spring cherry blossom festival every year. 31st of the month). This spring, why not enjoy these beautiful cherry blossom viewing spots along with these temple treasures?

Article production / Mie Travel Ambassador Takuya Kiriyama

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*Please follow good manners and enjoy your sightseeing so that everyone will want to visit again.

*Photos in the article are from before 2023.

What is Fumonji?

This temple, located in Hayashi, Geino geinocho TsuCity is said tohave been founded in the first year of Daido (806) andis the last of the Ninna-ji temples of the Shingon sect.

The official name of the temple is Jigenji Sojiin Fumonji.

It was originally built in a district called Hayashi Hegawaki.It was a large temple, but it is said that it was burnt down by Oda Nobunaga's vassal Kazumasu Takigawa in 1574.after that,Kyoho7 years (1722), the current Butsuden (main hall) was rebuilt, and the ridge tag reads ``Daido Kaiki. Tensho Ranra'', which suggests that there was a legend about the temple's founding.

Fumonji Temple has many temple treasures.

the principal image of the eleven-facedKannon, have been designated as tangible cultural assets TsuCity.The group of five Buddhist statues, including

The famous legend of the ``Ghost's Katsode'' remains in this temple, and a Katsode believed to have been left by a ghost is kept there.

These temple treasures can be viewed during the Cherry Blossom Festival(Sunday, March 31st in 2024).

In addition, Fumonji Temple has many cherry blossom trees, and during the blooming season, the localsset up banners and lanterns for the cherry blossom festival in the precincts, and when they are in full bloom, the precincts are filled with cherry blossoms.

Next, we will introduce the charms and highlights of Fumonji Temple.

Highlight ①: Cherry blossoms from the outer gate to the middle gate (courtyard)

The highlight of Fumonji's cherry blossoms is, of course, the many cherry blossoms within its grounds.

When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the cherry blossoms can be seen even outside the temple walls.

After passing through the outer gate, there are many cherry blossoms planted in the courtyard in front of the middle gate...

You can see that the cherry blossoms are dense.

In the latter half of the best season, when the flowers fall, a pink carpet will appear!

The cherry blossoms in the courtyard alone are enough to see, being surrounded by cherry blossoms, but next we will introduce the cherry blossoms in the territory where the main hall is located.

By the way, the middle gate was restored in 2022 and has been revived as a magnificent gate.

Highlight ②: Cherry blossoms in front of the main hall “Potomac Cherry Blossoms”

When you pass through the middle gate and enter the area where the main hall is located, you will see a stone lantern and the main hall in front of you, and you can see cherry blossoms to the left and right of these.

There are weeping cherry blossoms on both sides of the stone lantern, and large cherry blossom trees on both sides of the area, brightening up the precincts.

Also, can you see the large cherry blossoms sticking out from the right side of the photo below?

This cherry tree is actually called the "Potomac Cherry".I am a noteworthy cherry blossom.

The Potomac cherry tree at Fumonjiis the same sapling that was donated to Washington, D.C. in 1912 by YukioOzaki then the mayor of Tokyo, Japan, to foster friendly relations between Japan and the United States.

Currently, this is the only cherry tree in this temple, and it is the largest cherry blossom that represents Fumonji's cherry blossoms.

It is very moving and wonderful to be able to see the same cherry blossoms at Fumonji Temple that helped spread the love for cherry blossoms in the United States and symbolize the friendship and friendship between the two countries.

By the way, YukioOzaki (1858-1954) is a famous politician in Japanese history who is said to be the ``God of constitutional government'' and ``the father of parliamentary politics,'' but he also had ties to Mie Prefecture, and in 1872 he moved to Ise City, Mie Prefecture. After moving to Japan, he served as a member of the Mie Prefectural Diet for a long time.

Photos and personal belongings are currently on display in the exhibition room of the Ozaki Kado Memorial Museum in IseCity.

↓↓↓ Kanko Mie also introduces the Ozaki Gakudo Memorial Museum as a tourist spot.

Ozaki Kado Memorial Museum | Sightseeing Spots | Kankomie (Kankomie) (

Highlight ③: Cherry blossoms at night

So far, we have introduced the cherry blossoms during the day, but next we will introduce the cherry blossoms at night.

At night, the cherry blossoms are illuminated by lights and you can enjoy a completely different view of the cherry blossoms than during the day.

Let 's go outside andtake a lookatFumonji Temple at night from the outer gate side. The cherry blossoms in full bloom in the courtyard (outer gate to middle gate) are illuminated by the lights.

As you pass through the outer gate, you will find it brightly illuminated with white to yellow lights.

The photo below shows the middle gate from the outer gate, but let's go inside the middle gate (inside the area where the main hall is).

Inside the Chumon Gate, pink to red lights from lanterns illuminate the cherry blossoms, creating a magical scene.

It is completely different from the daytime scene, andit seems as if it has two faces, day and night.

The red light makes the cherry blossoms stand out, and the colors are glossy, or even bewitching!

It's so beautiful and wonderful.

I have been going to see it every year since 2021, and there were not many people and I was able to enjoy a luxurious time in this fantastic space all to myself, so it is no exaggeration to say that it is a hidden spot. there is no.Recommended for those who want to enjoy the view quietly and slowly.

Another greatway to enjoy the cherry blossoms at night is during the so-called magic hour, which is around 30 minutes after sunset on a clear day.

The contrast between the blue sky andthe cherry blossoms illuminated by the red lightis exquisite, and I thinkthis is a good time to take photos.

The middle gate is also dyed red and is so beautiful that you will forget the passage of time!

If you are interested in Fumonji Temple at night, please come and visit it.

Next, I will introduce the temple treasures of Fumonji Temple.

Highlight ④: Temple treasure Buddhist statues

Fumonji Temple is home to a number of temple treasures, including the eleven-faced Kannon, which is said to be the principal image, and a group of five Buddhist statues that have been designated as tangible cultural assets TsuCity.

These are kept in the main hall, and thereis an opening day every year (March 31st (Sunday) in 2024) to coincide with the Cherry Blossom Festival.

I don't want to miss this chance.

When I entered the main hall,there were five Buddha statues on the platform.

It's big and worth seeing, andit makes you feel firm.

A dragon is painted on the ceiling.

It is a dragon that stares in all directions, soyou can see it from any direction.

The standing statue on the left is said to be the principal image of the Eleven-faced Kannon(front of the photo), and the standing statue on the right is the Sho Kannon.

The eleven-faced Kannon statue has a total height of 291 cm and is holding a flower in a vase in its left hand, making it a gentle principal image.

On the right side is the standing statue of Sho Kannon, which has a total height of 291 cm and is lined with tall statues.

The three figures in the back are all seated statues; the one on the left (front of the photo) is a seated statue of Amida Nyorai, the one in the center is a seated statue of Dainichi Nyorai, and the one on the right (back of the photo) is a seated statue of Shaka Nyorai.

The seated statue of Dainichi Nyorai has a total height of 306 cm and is placed in the center, so it is believed that this is actually the principal image.

It is said that these Buddhist statues have traces of repair done in the Edo period, but four of them, except for the seated Shaka Nyorai statue, are thought to be works from the late Heian period, giving a sense of history (the Shaka Nyorai statue is a work from the Edo period). ).

In addition to the five statues on the platform, there are other temple treasures, including a statue of Yakushi Nyorai in the zushi as the central deity, and the attendants on either side, Moonlight Bosatsu (on the left) and Nikko Bosatsu (on the right).

Furthermore, there are twelve divine generals that protect Yakushi Nyorai(there are 5 in the photo, but it is said that there are currently 7 left).

This is the Fudo Myoo statue, which is very powerful.

Another major highlight of this season is the opportunity to encounter numerous Buddhist statues at Fumonji Temple.

Highlight ⑤: Temple Treasure Ghost’s One Sleeve

There is also one more thing about Fumonji Temple, which has a legend called ``Ghost's One Sleeve,'' and there are temple treasures associated with it.

Do you know the legend of the “ghost sleeve”?Simply put, the story goes like this:

・Ghost's sleeve

``The main characterwas born as the second daughter of a wealthy merchant in Iwa Village, Taki District, and at the age of 19 okashe married a kimono shop in Aika Village.

She was a beautiful and well-regarded daughter-in-law, but one day she went on a trip and fell ill, and despite all the care she received, she passed away.

Her body was carefully buriedat Fumonji Temple, andthat night, her ghost appeared to the priest, gave him one of her long-sleeved kimonos as a token of gratitude, and then disappeared.

Surprised, the priest informed Yamatoya of this incident, and when he examined his daughter's kimono, he found that one sleeve of the long-sleeved kimono she wore before her death was missing. ”

The photo above is one sleeve of a long-sleeved kimono that is said to have been left behind by the ghost of the main character of this legend.

It's a mysterious story, and being able to see the actual objects that appear in the story is valuable and very interesting.

You can also see iton the opening day (Sunday, March 31st in 2024) that coincides with the cherry blossom festival!

There is also a grave on the grounds that is said to have been built by the owner of Yamatoya to hold a memorial service for the main character's daughter.

If you read this as well, you can learn more about the legend.

Transportation access/parking lot

Location: 1264 Hayashi, Geinomachi, TsuCity, Mie geinocho


Approximately 4.5 km from JR Kansai Main Line "Seki Station", approximately 10 minutes by car

About 6 km from JR Kansai Main Line, Kisei Main Line "Kameyama Station", about 15 minutes by car

・Approximately 3.2 km from Meihan National Highway "Seki IC", approximately 5 minutes by car

If you are coming from the Seki IC, there is a sign at the Hayashi intersection along Prefectural Route 10 (Tsuseki Line).

・Approximately 4.5 km from Ise Expressway "Geino IC", approximately 10 minutes by car

If you are coming from TsuCity or the Ise Expressway "Geino IC", there is a signboard along Prefectural Route 10 (Tsuseki Line) at the intersection where Family Mart geinocho Hayashi store is located.


Yes(Several cars can be parked next to the outer gate. During the cherry blossom festival, temporary parking lots will be set up depending on the situation.)

*There are residences nearby. street parking etc.Actions that cause inconvenience areplease do not.

How was it?

I introduced Fumon-ji Temple in Geinomachi TsuCity geinocho, which is known as the famous temple of ``Cherry Blossoms and Legends.'' What did you think?

I knew about Fumonji Temple, but Ihad never visited ituntil 2021.

When I visited another temple in 2020, the guide told me, ``Fumonji is the best place to see cherry blossoms in spring! Have you ever been there?''This led me to visit Fumonji to see the cherry blossoms, and I remember being moved by the beautiful cherry blossoms.

Mid-March is the best time to see cherry blossoms in various places.

The cherry blossoms are expected to bloom a little earlier this year, but the temple treasure will be unveiled on March 31st (Sunday) in 2024, so don't miss this opportunity! !

When you visit geinocho area of TsuCity, please take a look at the cherry blossoms at Fumonji Temple.

*We hope that everyone will want to visit again.Observe your mannersEnjoy sightseeing.

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Takuya Kiriyama

I love Mie Prefecture. On my days off, I enjoy supporting Mie Prefecture in various ways, such as going out to photograph nature, landscapes, flowers, and events, and sometimes appearing in events or participating as a volunteer staff member.
Using this experience, I would like to spread the word about Mie's attractive seasonal flowers, famous spots, and scenery that will make you want to go!

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