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Introducing recommended books that are useful for leisure in Mie Prefecture!


We will introduce recommended books by region and purpose from among the books related to tourism in Mie Prefecture.

What is your purpose when you go on a trip?
If you want to visit tourist spots, explore history, participate in festivals and events, and enjoy seasonal gourmet food,
You may be planning a trip for various purposes, such as wanting to enjoy nature to the fullest.

In addition to checking information on the Internet and smartphones, you can also learn more deeply by reading books.
We have compiled a list of recommended books for those who want to have fun to the fullest with a plan that makes sense.

Recommended books related to IseJingu (IseCity)

IseJingu has been revered as the spiritual hometown of the Japanese people.
Today, as in the past, many people from all over the country visit the shrine. Naiku and Okage-yokocho, the town in front of the Oharai-Machi shrine, are popular spots lined with food shops and souvenir shops.

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Recommended books related to Ise Shima

IseShimaSummit was held.
It's a great place to refresh yourself in a scenic place surrounded by nature.
You can also enjoy seafood, and there are many attractive spots where you can experience the sea, such as aquariums, resorts, and theme parks.

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Recommended books related to Matsusaka

It is a town with a rich culture and a long history that has produced many wealthy merchants and great people, including the world brand Matsusaka Beef.

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Recommended books related to Ninja (Iga/Nabari)

The world famous "Ninja".
The castle town of Iga, surrounded by Satoyama, is the birthplace of the treasured country of ``Iga-ryu Ninja''. One of the highlights is NinjaMUSEUMofIgaryu you can experience Iga-ryu ninjutsu that is still alive in modern times.

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Recommended books related to saikuu (MeiwaTown)

It has been designated as a Japan Heritage Site by the Agency for Cultural Affairs as the ``Praying Princess Saio Miyako saikuu''.
The remains of the palace of Saio, who was supported by Amaterasu Omikami at Ise Grand Shrine on behalf of the IseJingu, are still protected as sacred grounds, and the buildings and other structures have been recreated, giving the place a sense of dynasty romance.

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