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Dahlia gardens in Mie Prefecture Introducing famous spots where you can see dahlia flowers that decorate the autumn season.


Dahlia gardens in Mie Prefecture Introducing famous spots where you can see dahlia flowers that decorate the autumn season.

Dahlia is a flower belonging to the Asteraceae family that blooms from late summer to autumn.
There are a wide variety of varieties, including large-flowered flowers, medium-flowered flowers, small-flowered ones, rounded ones, and ones with distinctive petal shapes, as well as a wide variety of colors.
The gorgeous flowers are also popular as cut flowers.
We will introduce dahlia gardens in Mie Prefecture where you can enjoy dahlia flowers.

Click here for dahlia flowering status in 2023 Mie flower calendar

Dahlia of Nabananosato (KuwanaCity)

Dahlia of Nabananosato

Pretty cosmos and colorful dahlias in full bloom in a vast flower plaza measuring 30,000 square meters

At Nabananosato, a paradise of flowers, greenery, and food, the annual ``Dahlia and Cosmos Nabananosato'' is held. `` Nabananosato'' is a vast oasis where rich nature and various facilities are in harmony.Seasonal events are very popular. Cosmos dahlias, an autumn tradition, are at their peak.
This year as well, rare types of dahlias, as well as giant dahlias over 40 centimeters in diameter, will decorate the flower beds.

[Closed in 2023] KIMOTO Dahlia Garden (InabeCity)

[Closed in 2023] This year, you can enjoy 3,300 dahlias of 70 different types with Mt. Fujiwara in the background.

As part of our company's community and social contribution project, we started growing rice using local fallow fields, and currently manage a dahlia garden. Now, local residents are also participating in the dahlia club, helping with weeding and picking flowers, and working together with employees and the local community to manage the large dahlia garden.
With Mt. Fujiwara in the background, there are two seats and observation decks where you can see a variety of colorful dahlias.

Images from Mie Tourism Editorial Department

Tourism Mie Editorial Department

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