Quarterly “Tourism Mie” vol.123 Autumn issue

3This is a traditional event with a long history TsuCity. The festival features powerful performances such as "Karajin Odori", "Shagoma", and "Annotsu Yosakoi". Check the website for the schedule of the big parade, the highlight of the festival.  TEL 059-229-3234(TsuCity Tourism Promotion Section, Town Hall) Fri. 6th 17:45-21:00, Sat. 7th 10:00-21:00, Sun. 8th 9:00-21:30 3 min. drive from Tsu IC on Ise Expressway (to the parking lot)2 Seki floats and Suzuka Magokouta, which take place at Sekijuku, which has flourished as an inn town since the Edo period The festival features a grand procession of Seki floats, Suzuka Magokuta (horse-drawn songs), and other floats from the inns of the Edo period. This year's Daimyo Gyoretsu (feudal lord's procession) features "Ishikawa Shigeyuki, the last feudal lord of Ise Kameyama Domain" and a special program "Ninja of Iga and Koga and Tokugawa Ieyasu"! TEL 0595-84-5074(Tokaido Sekijuku Street Festival Executive Committee) Time 10:00 - 15:00 Via: 5 min. walk from JR Seki Station or 5 min. drive from Meihan National Highway Seki IC1 This is a traditional event with a long history held around Suwa Shrine in Yokkaichi. Floats and neri (a portable shrine) come out all at once to perform. The Yoimatsuri (evening festival) is scheduled to be held on the 30th (Sat.) at Koen-dori (park street). The torchlight procession to Uryu Fushine Shrine will be held after the dedication of the lion dance by the Minamimachi Shinjikou Shishi Kagura Preservation Society. The torchlight procession will be held on the 29th from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the 1st floor parking lot of AEON Nabari. The festival is held at 5 IgaCity, about 30 minutes by car from the Ueno IC of the Meihan National Highway. The festival is an important intangible folk cultural asset of Japan. The festival is designated as a national Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset and is also registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. TEL 0595-21-0527 (Ueno Tenjin Matsuri Regional Promotion Executive Committee, Ueno Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Time: Shinko Matsuri (parade event): 9:00-16:00 on the 22nd Access: 5 min. by car from Uenohigashi IC or Nakase IC on Meihan National Highway4 This annual autumn festival commemorates and honors Ujisato Gamo, the founder of Matsusaka. The highlight of the festival is the parade of warriors through the city and the launching ceremony at the ruins of Matsuzaka Castle, reminiscent of the Warring States Period. In addition, the central shopping street will host the "Rakuichi Rakuza" and stage events. TEL 0598-23-7771(MatsusakaCity Tourist Association)9:00-16:00About 15 minutes walk from JR/Kintetsu "Matsusaka Station "9The Shukudasojin Festival Port Festival is held to pray for a great catch of fish and for the safety of the family. A bonito parade is held in the village, which once prospered from pelagic fishing. A swordfish and tuna mikoshi, which is carried only by women, also makes an appearance, a rarity in the town. The community comes together as one and gets excited. TEL 0599-69-3175 (Tasoura District Office) Hours: 9:00 - 16:00, approx. 50 minutes by car on National Route 260 from the Tamaki IC of the Ise Expressway (via Sunny Road). The festival is held to pray for safety at sea and a big catch of fish by carrying straw sandals over 2 meters in length to the beach, which is said to have driven away the giant Dandarabotchi that ravaged the town. Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) TEL 0599-46-0570(ShimaCity Tourist Information Center)10:00~20 min. by car from Ukata Station of Kinki Nippon Railway. 7The ritual is held three times a year (on May 5, September 5, and around the third Saturday and Sunday in December). During the vigorous singing of the "Kiyoiri," the sacred rope is purified and passed on to Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple). TEL 0596-43-2020(Futamiokitama-JinjaShirine)10 minutes from Ise IC on Ise Expressway 9/30 (Sat.), 10/1 (Sun.), 11/3 (Fri., holiday) 9/5 (Tue.) 10/15 (Sun.) 11/5 (Sun.) 9/16 (Sat.) 9/17 (Sun.) 10/6 (Fri.)-8 (Sun.) 10/28 (Sat.), 29 (Sun.), 11/ 11 (Sat) MinamiiseTown Location: MinamiiseTown All over the Shukudaso area 10/2 (Mon) Jikko Jikko 6 website has more information! ▶Yonkaichi Festival, an annual festival of Suwa Shrine that has been held since the early Edo period, the powerful warrior parade is a must-see! Sekijuku The 62nd Ujigo Festival Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) The ritual of replacing the large sacred straw rope that connects Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) The ritual of replacing the large sacred straw rope that connects The Sekifune Festival, praying for good catches and safety at sea by carrying a portable shrine on a boat, a festival that retains its Edo period appearance Tokaido Sekijuku The Street Festival, a parade of demons and gorgeous Danjiri floats through townThe Danjiri event of the Ueno Tenjin Festival, praying for a good catch and peace and safetyWaraji Festival, praying for a good catch, good harvest, and safety in Owase 11Hachiman Shrine annual festival to pray for a good catch of fish, a good harvest, and safety at sea in the fall. On the day of the festival, in addition to the ritual, OwaseCity children of the old town will lead a procession of lords and hand dance on the Kumano Kaido (Kumano Highway). The festival is also livened up with stalls along the roadside. The festival boasts a history of about 390 years. TsuCity 's Great Festival Tsu Festival is an annual festival to give thanks for the year's harvest and pray for a bountiful crop next year Nabari Autumn FestivalThe energy of the village comes from the festival! Shukudaso Jin Matsuri, Port FestivalThe highlight of the festival is a Shinto ritual in which a large rope is passed from the deity Hananoiwaya-jinjaShrine Autumn Grand Festival Location: Futamiokitama-JinjaShirine YokkaichiCity Location: Yokkaichi Suwa Shrine area MatsusakaCity Location: Ruins of Matsuzaka Castle and others MatsusakaCity In IseCity KihokuTown Location: Hikimoto Shrine 10/20 (Friday)-22 (Sunday) UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Ueno Cultural Art Conservation Society KameyamaCity Location: Old Tokaido Sekijuku one area IgaCity Location: IgaCity In the central city area ShimaCity Location: around Habikiri fishing port and Daioh-cho Habikiri area OwaseCity Location OwaseCity Uchi-Hachiman Shrine Location: Around Oshiro-Nishi Park and around Phoenix Street Other Locations: 28th Uryu Fushine Shrine, 29th Old Town TsuCity NabariCity KumanoCity Location: Hananoiwaya-jinjaShrine W Chance! 100 chances for those who did not win the lottery! Autumn festivals in the prefecture resumed one after another. Festivals throughout the prefecture, which had been suspended to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, have been resumed! From parades and warrior processions that draw crowds every year to Shinto rituals that allow visitors to experience the deep history and traditions of the region, look forward to Mie's unique autumn festivals. The portable shrine of Sekifune is carried in a parade through the town. The highlight of the festival is the powerful parade as it departs from and arrives at the shrine. The parade starts as soon as the Shinto ritual is finished and returns around 3:00 p.m.  TEL 0597-46-3555(KihokuTown Tourist Information Association) Ceremony from 10:00 a.m.12 The "Otsunagake Ceremony" is held at the shrine said to be the oldest in Japan, about 10 minutes by car from the Kisei Expressway "Kaiyama IC. The sacred body is a huge rock 45m high, and a 160m long rope is tied from the top of the rock, pulled out to Shichiri-Mihama beach, and passed to the shrine grounds. TEL 0597-89-0100(KumanoCity Tourist Association) Hours: 9:30- Access: 5 min. by car from Kumano Omari IC on Kumano Owase Road.

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