event information

Mijumaru will appear at Miekodomonoshiro event!

The Marumie Exhibition, an event for children that promotes the attractions of Mie Prefecture, will be held at Mie Prefectural Miekodomonoshiro (MatsusakaCity, Mie Prefecture).
The "Marumie Exhibition" will feature "Pokefuta," manhole covers decorated with pictures of Pokémon that have been installed throughout Mie Prefecture, as well as a panel display introducing the "Mie Prefecture x Oshawott" project.
In addition, on Thursday, March 20th, 2025 (national holiday), the first day of the "Marumie Exhibition," we will be holding a special event called "True or False Quiz Related to Mie" where Mijumaru will appear, so please come and visit us!

About the "Marumie Exhibition"

March 20th (Thursday/Holiday) - April 20th (Sunday), 2020
From 9:30 to 17:00
Mie Prefectural Miekodomonoshiro (1291 Tateno-cho, MatsusakaCity Chubudai Sports Park)
Anyone can participate.
*Children under elementary school age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Entry fee
*There is a fee to view the planetarium.
・The 1st floor Event Hall will exhibit "Pokefuta," manhole covers decorated with pictures of Pokémon that have been installed throughout Mie Prefecture, as well as panels introducing the "Mie Prefecture x Oshawott" initiative.


Special event "True or False Quiz about Mie"

Date and time
March 20, 2020 (Thursday/Holiday)
・If it's sunny
Miekodomonoshiro Outdoor Circular Plaza
・In case of rain
Miekodomonoshiro 1F Event Hall
Entry fee
・If it's sunny
Each session will accommodate 50 people in the children's area, 30 people in the adult area, and 150 people for the viewing area.
・In case of rain
Each session: 30 people in the children's area, 30 people in the adult area, and 60 people in the exterior viewing area
way to participate
●Viewing of the children's and adult areas will be by lottery on the day.
*A lottery ticket is not required to view the exterior of the area.
●Reception location
・If it's sunny
Reception tent in front of the circular plaza
・In case of rain
1F Event Hall Entrance
●Raffle tickets will be distributed at the venue reception from 10:00 to 10:30 for ① the 11:00 session, and from 12:00 to 12:30 for ② the 13:00 session.
●Please make sure that all participants are present and each person receives one raffle ticket.
(Children aged 0-1 do not need a lottery ticket as they can enter the adult area or the exterior viewing area by holding the baby in their arms.)
●Each person is limited to one lottery ticket. Even if you queue up again, you will not be able to receive multiple tickets.
*In order to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the event, please only attend one of the sessions.
●Only one person can participate per winning ticket.
●Please note that not all of the guests accompanying the winner will be able to attend.
●The lottery results will be announced at the venue 20 minutes before the start of each event.
●If you are selected, please come to the reception desk 10 minutes before the start of each session.
●For further details, please check the Miekodomonoshiro website.


Contact information

Contact information
Mie Children's and Youth Development Foundation (designated manager of Mie Prefectural Miekodomonoshiro)
TEL: 0598-23-7735
FAX: 0598-23-7792
Mail: kouhou02@mie-cc.or.jp


Related Sites

Related Sites
Miekodomonoshiro "Marumie Exhibition"