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Daiosaki Lighthouse (11)


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Daiozaki Lighthouse is located in the southeastern part of Ise-Shima National Park, and is famous for its shining white lighthouse and the town of Ishizaka. The lighthouse stands at Daiozaki, which is also famous for kachiji coastal terraces. The lighthouse marks the border between the Kumano Nada and Enshu Nada Seas, and was built in 1927 as the most cutting-edge lighthouse at the time. The public can climb to the top of the lighthouse for a view. Although it is not possible to climb on windy days, you can see the Shima Peninsula, the Pacific Ocean, and distant islands such as Kamishima, and you can actually see ships coming from offshore appearing from the tips of the masts, so it is also known as a cape from which you can see the roundness of the earth.

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