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Nabari Todo Family Residence (2)




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The Nabari Todo family residence began with Takayoshi, the third son of Niwa Nagahide, a senior vassal of Oda Nobunaga, who was adopted by TakatoraTodo, and has had a mansion in Nabari since 1636. He was granted 15,000 koku by the Tsumoto family, and the 11th Todo family head, Takasetsu, welcomed the Meiji Restoration. The current building was rebuilt after the Great Nabari Fire in 1710, and according to a house plan handed down by the Todo family, it can be divided into several functions based on the usage and character of the building, and the number of tatami mats listed alone is 1,083. Most of the building was demolished in the early Meiji period, but the inner palace, known as "Onishi," the ceremonial room, part of the inner palace used for daily life such as the tea room, and the main gate (moved to Juei Shrine) remain, making it a valuable example of a samurai residence from the early modern period, with few remains nationwide. Inside the building, furnishings, weapons, classics, documents and other items that have been passed down through the Nabari Todo family are on display, allowing visitors to get a glimpse into the lives of high-ranking samurai in the early modern period.

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