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Kayumi Ijiri Ruins (2)


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In September 1996, a clay figurine from the early Jomon period was discovered in almost perfect condition at the Kayumi Ijiri Site in Iinan Town, MatsusakaCity. It dates back about 12,000 to 9,000 years. It is believed to be the oldest clay figurine in Japan from the early Jomon period, when pottery and bows and arrows began to be used. It is a small clay figurine shaped like a woman's upper body, measuring 6.8 cm in length, 4.2 cm in width, and 2.6 cm in thickness. It has attracted attention from all over the country as a major clue in unraveling the birth of the spiritual culture of the Jomon period and elucidating the lifestyles and social conditions of the people of that time. In addition, at the Kayumi Ijiri Site, relics characteristic of the early Jomon period, such as an arrow shaft grinder and ridge pattern pottery fragments, were excavated along with remains of pit dwellings and other ditches.

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