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Autumn leaves at Sakakibara Onsen (1)

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Sakakibara Onsen was located at the entrance to Ise, and has a history of princes visiting IseJingu being bathed in the hot springs to purify themselves. In her Pillow Book, Sei Shonagon, a talented woman from the Heian period, praised the hot springs as "Nanakuri no Yu" (the name of the hot springs at the time), and since the gods of Izumo are enshrined as the guardian deities of the hot springs, many waka poems about love have been written about the hot springs. As such, the hot springs have a deep connection to the imperial court and the shrine, and the spring waters, which are smooth and silky to the touch, are effective in healing the body and mind, and the hot springs have been known to the people of the capital since the Heian period as a "power spot and hot spring resort of love." At this hot spring inn, filled with warm-heartedness and elegant hospitality, you can enjoy a relaxing and healing time as you soak in the beautiful hot springs that gush forth.

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