Michi-no-eki Okuise Odai
The unique Michi-no-eki "Okuise Michi-no-eki" Okuise Odai, which has been certified as a key Michi-no-eki is a popular Michi-no-eki is filled with tourists and locals on weekends. The station sells seasonal vegetables from the town, as well as shiitake mushrooms, Odai tea, Miyagawa sweetfish, woodworking products, and other specialty products from OdaiTown, TaikiTown, and TakiTown Michi-no-eki. Fresh vegetables may sell out by mid-morning, so it's best to go first thing in the morning. The specialties are Hanaisho mochi and chubby mochi. Freshly made homemade rice ...
Chunan group
Odai OdaiTown