Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) has been known as a place of worship for the sunrise since ancient times. Approximately 700 meters offshore lies the Okitama Shinseki (spirit stone) associated with Sarutahiko no Okami, which is said to be the place where the descending god rests and is a sacred place where gods from the land of the eternal world approach. Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) is the Okitamajinseki and the sunrise...
This shrine enshrines Sarutahiko-no-Okami as its deity and is said to grant blessings for matchmaking, marital harmony, and road safety. Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) visible in front of you are considered to be the sacred stone "Okitama Jinseki" associated with Sarutahiko-no-Okami, which is located about 700m offshore, and the torii gate for worshiping the Sun God...
TheAkame48Falls, a series of waterfalls in the upper reaches of the Takigawa River that flows along the border between Iga and Yamato, creates a beautiful work of art of nature. Located in the center of Muro Akame Aoyama Quasi-National Park, it stretches for about 4 kilometers. Akame's mysterious nature has been selected as one of the 100 best waters of the Heisei era, one of the 100 best waterfalls in Japan, and a place for forest bathing...
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*The order of popularity is the order of popularity within the sightseeing spots in Mie.
Iris pond
At the iris pond halfway up Sakate Island, the city's natural treasure, the iris iris, blooms from mid-May.
Ise Shima
Maruzen - Ama no Yado
Crafted from the sea with our proud taste.
Aso no Ura Ohashi Bridge
A pure white arch-shaped bridge with a length of 196m that connects Imaura and Motoura in Toba. It is one of Toba's 10 best views, with the blue sea, green mountains, and white bridge creating a wonderful contrast.
Gozaisho Mountain Sightseeing Lift
It is a sightseeing lift that takes 500m from GozaishoRopeway Ropeway Sanjo Park Station to the summit of Mt.Gozaisho Gozaisho, and takes 8 minutes one way. From the summit station, you will find the photogenic spot "Bokodai," where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Shiga prefecture side!
Northern forces
Hinode Ryokan
The open-air bath with a panoramic view of Ise Bay is made entirely of cypress.
Joanji Temple
The family temple of the Kuki clan located at the northern foot of Mt. Hinoyama. It is said that Yoshitaka's son Moritaka built it in memory of Yoshitaka. The most famous temple of the Soto sect in Shima. Founding year: 1569-1614
supervisory patrol
It was a facility used by the former Army during the war to visually confirm the impact of cannons fired from the Irago Channel. It is also depicted in the climax scene of "Shiosai".
Kamishima lighthouse
A lighthouse that has been watching over the safety of the Irago Channel, which is said to be a dangerous place at sea. It has been selected as one of Japan's top 50 lighthouses and is the best viewing spot on the island, and a plaque reading ``Lover's Sanctuary'' has been placed on this lighthouse.
Shirahige Shrine
A shrine that enshrines Shirahige oaki, the island's guardian deity, and dedicates a pair of abalone, ``Maneki Abalone,'' which were first caught at ShirongoFestival.
Yoshitaka Kuki's trunk mound
The grave where Yoshitaka's torso is said to have been buried has a five-ring pagoda built, and the area is quiet and quiet.To the left of the grave, you can also see the stone monument marking the site of Tosen-an (currently an abandoned temple), where Yoshitaka committed seppuku. .
Yoshitaka Kuki's neck mound
Yoshitaka Kuki's head was buried at the top of Mt. Chikjo, which commanded a panoramic view of Toba Castle, as his will had said, ``Bury it where Toba Castle can be seen.'' ``Osumi no kami'' carved on the stone monument is Yoshitaka's official rank.
倭姫命に鮑を献上した伝説の海女・お弁を祀ります。 潜水作業の「めまい除け」にご利益がるとされ、地元の海女や全国のダイバーから信仰されています。
伊勢神宮(外宮)の末社で、祭神は荒前姫命です。 6月には夏の到来を告げる赤崎祭りでにぎわいます。
横町、中之郷、藤乃郷、錦町の村社として明治40年に建てられた神社。 4月上旬には毎年春祭りが行われ、伝統の獅子と天狗の舞が奉納されます。
鳥羽三山の一つである樋の山にあります。 香川県の金刀比羅宮六分社のひとつ。 海上安全の神様として漁業・海運関係者の信仰を集めています。
ヤマトタチバナは、海岸近くの山中に生える常緑の小喬木で、みかん科みかん属に属し、日本固有種と推定されています。 5~6月頃に白い花が咲き、秋から冬にかけて直径2.5cmほどの、ゆずに似た黄金色の実をつけます。 かんきつ類特有のさわやか香りが持ち味ですが、果実は種が多く、すっぱく、そのままでは食用に向きませんが、当地ではヤマトタチバナを使った、香り袋やアイスクリームなどいろいろの製品が開発...
標高約80mの山頂付近にあり、この地方屈指の大きな横穴式石室がほぼ完全な形で残っている。 全長22m、高さ2.5m。 天井は大きな6枚岩で間近に見る石組の様子は見事。
半島の先の小島にある神社で、八幡祭が有名です。 入り口には、柿本人麻呂が答志島のことを詠んだ歌碑があります。
明治40年(1907)八王社、天王社、土の宮社など村内の各社を合祀し、菅島神社となりました。 天保11年(1840)と、嘉永3年(1850)の棟札が残されています。 境内にある祠には、綿に包まれて姿が見えない神様が祀られており、島に子どもたちが生まれるとお宮参りにここを訪れ、薄い真綿をかけて、健やかな成長を祈願します。 本殿は神明造りで、神紋は丸に矢違い。
観音堂に安置されている木像観音菩薩坐像には、漁師が海より拾い上げ、現在の堂に奉納したものと伝えられています。 境内には、かつて屋根として使われていた鬼瓦が残っています。
潮音寺そばの公園。 和具から答志へのウォーキングの際の休憩場所に最適で公衆トイレもあります。
戦国時代の水軍の将・九鬼嘉隆が築いた鳥羽城の石垣を整備して、今は広場となっています。 鳥羽城は海に向かって大手門が開かれていました。