Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) has been known as a place of worship for the sunrise since ancient times. Approximately 700 meters offshore lies the Okitama Shinseki (spirit stone) associated with Sarutahiko no Okami, which is said to be the place where the descending god rests and is a sacred place where gods from the land of the eternal world approach. Meotoiwa(rocksofthemarriedcouple) is the Okitamajinseki and the sunrise...
Ishigami-san, located in the grounds of Shinmei-JinjaShrine, has long been revered by female divers as a shrine that will grant one wish from women, and now attracts many female worshippers from all over the country. Write one wish on a prayer slip and gently place it in the wish box in front of Ishigami-san to make your wish.
Located on the border between SuzukaCity and YokkaichiCity, this shrine enshrines a seated statue of Sugawara no Michizane. Locals call it "Kokubun no Tenjin-san," and the grounds are home to a grove of weeping plum trees, attracting many visitors during the season. The "Wooden Tenjin Statue," also known as the statue of Sugawara no Michizane, is designated as a tangible cultural property of the prefecture...
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*The order of popularity is the order of popularity within the sightseeing spots in Mie.
名張藤堂家邸は、織田信長の重臣丹羽長秀の三男で藤堂高虎の養子となった高吉に始まり、寛永13年(1636年)以来名張に屋敷を構えました。一万五千石を津本家から給され、十一代高節で明治維新を迎えています。 現存の建物は、宝永7年(1710年)の名張大火によって焼失したが、その後再建されたもので、藤堂家に伝わった屋敷図によれば、非常に使い方や建物の性格からいくつかの機能に分けることができ、記...
相差カフェ千 -Sen-
鳥羽市相差町 元JA支店跡地にOPENしたカフェ。地元野菜や海産物の販売ブースもあります。ランチタイムには地元の魚介類をたっぷり使った「うにめしランチ(1,100円)」が評判で、シフォンケーキやコーヒーなどのカフェメニューも楽しめます。
Ise Shima
Matsusaka City Hotel
Located in front of the station, 2 minutes walk from JR/Kintetsu Matsusaka Station. Convenient for both business and leisure. Enjoy a gourmet trip to Matsusaka beef and sightseeing in Ise-Shima.
Chunan group
Hotel Econo Yokkaichi
Good location in front of Kintetsu Yokkaichi Station. Reasonable price and modern facilities including breakfast. All rooms have semi-double beds.
Northern forces
Comfort Hotel Suzuka
3 minutes walk from Kintetsu "Shiroko" station. This is a new hotel that opened in August 2007. It can be used as a base for sightseeing or business. ●Free breakfast●Welcome drink available●Wireless LAN available throughout the building●●There are universal rooms for disabled people●
近鉄伊勢市駅から徒歩約3分の利便性。 観光やビジネスの拠点として、やすらぎの空間をご提供します。
Load-in Toba
Conveniently located, 10 minutes walk from JR/Kintetsu Toba Station, facing the national highway leading to Futami/Ise, and right next to the Ise-Shima Skyline Toba entrance. The location is highly convenient for both car and train access. We have single and twin rooms suitable for business use, as well as Japanese-style and triple rooms that can be used comfortably for sightseeing with the family. There is also a large public bath and sauna where you can slowly soothe the fatigue of your travels, as well as a meeting room and banquet hall.
伊勢市駅より徒歩3分。伊勢市の中心部に位置し、交通のアクセスに便利。ビジネス・観光にぜひご利用くださいませ。 また、宴会施設もあり、1階レストラン「石かわ」では本場松阪牛をお楽しみいただけます。
伊勢シティホテル アネックス
近鉄久居駅より徒歩10分。多目的コンベンションホールを供えたゆとりのホテル。 ビジネスにはもちろん、伊勢路・志摩地区への観光 拠点として絶好地。 安心して宿泊できる快適で清潔な客室にサービスも行き届いています。一志・ 嬉野のゴルフ場に至近。
Hotel Econo Kameyama
7 minutes walk from JR Kameyama Station. Located in the center KameyamaCity, with good access to the industrial park, it is very convenient for business, and can also be used as a base for sightseeing in Kameyama, Seki, and Sakashita-juku, the 53 stations Tokaido. This is a low-priced, high-performance hotel with free breakfast (self-service) and free parking.
Hotel Green Park Suzuka
It is close to SuzukaCircuit in 10 minutes by car, making it an ideal leisure and sightseeing base for families and couples. The hotel is also fully equipped as a business hotel and can accommodate a variety of needs. There is a Japanese restaurant Miyabi on the 1st floor.
Yokkaichi City Hotel Annex
3 minutes walk from Kintetsu Yokkaichi Station. The perfect location for business and sightseeing. There is also a cafe and Japanese restaurant Hanabishi, which is perfect for dinners and meetings.
世界遺産・熊野古道浜街道の目の前にある道の駅「パーク七里御浜」に並んで建つフェアフィールド・バイ・マリオット・三重御浜。 紀伊山地を背に雄大な熊野灘を望み、渚百選に選ばれた七里御浜海岸などの美しい自然が広がります。一年を通して暖かで過ごしやすく、季節を通じて穫れる数々の品種のみかんをはじめ、豊富な畑の幸や海の幸を堪能していただけます。 風光明媚な御浜を巡る旅の拠点として、当ホテルは快...
戦国期の伊賀流忍者の上忍・百地丹波守(ももちたんばのかみ)多くの下忍と共に住んでいた砦跡。建物は伊賀乱の戦火で焼失している。 百地砦跡周辺には百地氏ゆかりの「青雲寺」「永保寺」そして「式部塚」があります。
フィッシングパークトリトン(旧 千賀フィッシングパーク)
千賀の海で、釣って、焼いて、食べて、楽しい、美味しい、笑顔のひとときを! 真鯛・ヒラメ・大アジなど放流魚種、放流数も豊富。 海の上の釣堀なので初心者でも本格的な海釣りの醍醐味を味わえます。 エサ付け、釣れた魚の針外しのお手伝いもいたします。 初心者やお子様、女性の方も安心してお気軽に海での釣りをお楽しみください。
料理旅館 新和具荘
Culinary inn Takaso
We serve seasonal fish, spiny lobster, and abalone for each season. Close to GozaShirahamaBeach, you can enjoy food, sightseeing, and play all year round.