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Report article [Protecting and communicating the nature of Inabe/Ugakei, making it a place of outdoor learning. ] has been published


Mie Prefecture is located almost in the center of the Japanese archipelago and stretches from north to south.
Facing the sea of Ise Bay and the Kumano Sea, and surrounded by mountains such as the Suzuka Mountains and the Kii Mountains, it is an environment blessed with the natural beauty of the sea, mountains, and rivers.

In recent years, we have begun to hear the word "sustainable", but Mie's nature, history, and culture are precious treasures that have been taken for granted and protected to this day.

“I want to protect Mie's beautiful nature and time-honored traditions.”
Mie is a ``sustainable tourist destination'' that embodies the thoughts of our predecessors.

In this report article, we will highlight the nature of InabeCity "Ugakei".

Ugakei and sustainability

Ugakei, located in InabeCity, is a valley that is home to a wide variety of plants, including the beautiful ridgeline of Mt. Ryugatake and waterfalls of various sizes. Campsite Nordisk Hygge Circles UGAKEI is an outdoor field where you can experience the rich nature of Ugakei with your whole body. We will consider what humans can learn from the nature of Ugakei, which was once in ruins.

In addition to Nordisk Hygge Circles UGAKEI, the report article includes an interview with Mr. Morooka of the NPO Ryu no Mori, which conducts forest conservation activities in the Ugake Valley, and camping YouTuber NOB talks about the Ugakei walk and Wild We also introduce camping videos at CIRCLES.


Northern forces


Ugakei is known for Suzuka's only waterfall tour and Shoryu Cave. The steep, corridor-like cliffs, strangely shaped rocks, and mysterious peaks create a natural beauty of the valley. The water from streams and waterfalls flowing between granite boulders is always clean, cold, and delicious.
This valley is dotted with five waterfalls of various sizes, each named Nagao Falls, Gogai Falls, Tsubame Falls, Gosho Falls, and Uotome Falls, depending on their shape and legend.
The unique weathered appearance of the granite, which resembles Mt. Tsubaku in the Northern Alps, allows you to appreciate the art created by nature, and it is crowded with camping trips in the summer.

Nordisk Hygge Circles UGAKEI
Nordisk Hygge Circles UGAKEI

Northern forces


Please check the official website for details.

“Hygge” is a word of Danish origin that expresses a way of spending quality time, a way of living, and a way of thinking. It refers to a relaxing and comfortable time and space, and the sense of happiness that can be gained through that experience.
Japan's first outdoor field, a collaboration between Denmark's outdoor brand "Nordisk" and InabeCity, Mie Prefecture, opened on April 3, 2023.

In addition to the riverside free site ``Wild CIRCLES'' where you can enjoy the nature of Ugakei as it is, there is a permanent tent site ``Hygge TENT'' packed with Nordisk characteristics. And at the cabin site "Hygge CABIN" where you can experience the highest quality of hygge, you can enjoy camping where you can enjoy a rich time that you cannot experience in everyday life through the magnificent nature of Ugakei.

MSLP by new end. Inc. images

MSLP by new end. Inc.

A creator team in Mie Prefecture that includes video creators, photographers, designers, writers, etc.

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