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Report article [2,000 years of history, IseJingu. What is true sustainability seen in inherited traditions?'' has been released.


Mie Prefecture is located almost in the center of the Japanese archipelago and stretches from north to south.
Facing the sea of Ise Bay and the Kumano Sea, and surrounded by mountains such as the Suzuka Mountains and the Kii Mountains, it is an environment blessed with the natural beauty of the sea, mountains, and rivers.

In recent years, we have begun to hear the word "sustainable", but Mie's nature, history, and culture are precious treasures that have been taken for granted and protected to this day.

“I want to protect Mie's beautiful nature and time-honored traditions.”
Mie is a ``sustainable tourist destination'' that embodies the thoughts of our predecessors.

In this report article, we will focus on "IseJingu".

IseJingu and sustainability

IseJingu has a history of 2,000 years. What is true sustainability seen in inherited traditions?

IseJingu, which has a history of 2000 years, is the spiritual hometown of the Japanese people and is affectionately known as "Oise-san." At IseJingu, 1,500 festivals are held every year, including the Shikinen ShikinenSengu, which is held once every 20 years, when the main building is rebuilt, and the culture has been passed down from ancient times to the present. We will unravel the history of ShikinenSengu and various festivals that have continued to this day, and get to the bottom of why they became such a tradition.

IseJingu Naiku (Kotaijingu)
IseJingu Naiku (Kotaijingu)

Ise Shima


About 2,000 years ago, during the reign of Emperor Suinin, Kotaijingu has been located on the banks of the Isuzu River. It enshrines Amaterasu Omikami, the ancestor of the imperial family and revered by our people like Amaterasu-Omikami.
Once you cross UjibashiBridge, which is the entrance to Naiku, and proceed down the long approach paved with gravel, you will find yourself in a sacred precinct. The original scenery of Japan, known as the "hometown of the heart," spreads out here.

Click here for the special website for the Ise Tour “First Ise Tour: Walking around Ise-Shima”

Toyouke-daijingu, located in the center of IseCity with Mt. Takakura in the background, enshrines Toyouke-no-Omikami. Toyouke-no-Omikami is the deity responsible for the meals of Amaterasu-Omikami in Naiku, and is also revered as the guardian deity of food, clothing, shelter, and industry.
Passing through the torii gate, stepping on the gravel, and walking along the approach path with gentle sunlight filtering through the trees, you will be filled with a refreshing feeling.

Click here for the special website for visiting Ise.

MSLP by new end. Inc. images

MSLP by new end. Inc.

A creator team in Mie Prefecture that includes video creators, photographers, designers, writers, etc.

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