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Famous lotus spots in Mie Prefecture
Famous lotus spots in Mie Prefecture

[Updated as of June 18, 2024] Introducing famous lotus flower spots in Mie Prefecture along with information on the best time to see them!


The lotus flower grows straight out of the water and blooms into a gorgeous flower. In Mie Prefecture, the lotus flowers reach their best viewing season from early to late July every year.

The lotus, which blooms in moats and ponds, is an ephemeral flower that begins to bloom with the sunrise, closes its petals in the morning, and then fades away after a few days. It is also written about in the Manyoshu, and has continued to fascinate people as a symbol of mysterious beauty since ancient times.

The best time to see the lotus flowers is from 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning, so we recommend viewing them early in the morning.

In 2024The peak viewing time is 7From early in the monthWe predict that this will be the case.

In this topic, we will introduce selected spots for viewing lotus in Mie Prefecture! Please use this as a reference when going out♪

Click here for the lotus blooming situation in 2024 Mie Flower Calendar

Introducing a selection of spots for viewing lotus in Mie Prefecture!

Introducing a selection of spots for viewing lotus in Mie Prefecture!


Takada Honzan Senshuji Temple Lotus

Takada Honzan Lotus (TsuCity)

Expected best viewing time: The flowers will start blooming in mid-June and will be at their best from early July.
The symbol of Takada Honzan Senshuji is the lotus. SENJUJIHeadTempleoftheShinshuTakadaSchool has a lotus pond and more than 100 lotus pots of 35 different types, so you can enjoy a wide variety of lotus flowers on the premises. Lotuses in pots begin to bloom first, and lotuses in lotus ponds can be enjoyed a little later until mid-August.


Lotus Anamushi-no-sato no Sato

Lotus Anamushi-no-sato no Sato (KameyamaCity)

Expected best viewing time: Flowers will start blooming around June 20th, and the best viewing time is expected to be from the end of June (until mid-August)
Anamushi no Sato is a park created by local residents (Rokumarukai) in Henpoji Temple in the northern part of KameyamaCity. From June every year, you can enjoy hydrangeas and then lotus flowers. There is a pavilion in the park that overlooks the entire park, and you can look down on the lotus flowers.


Oga lotus in TamakiTown hall Yokouchi moat

Oga lotus at TamakiTown Hall Yokouchi Moat (Tamaru Castle) (TamakiTown)

Best viewing time: mid-July onwardsLate JulySeasonal Forecast
The Oga lotus is said to have successfully bloomed from the world's oldest lotus seeds discovered in Jomon ruins. The Oga lotuses in the Yokouchi moat of TamakiTown are grown and transplanted from seeds and lotus roots donated around the beginning of the Heisei era. It is characterized by simple flowers that give a sense of ancient romance.


Futami Iris Romantic Forest Lotus (IseCity)

Best viewing time forecast: Mid-July onwards
Approximately 30,000 lotus plants grow in the "Futami Shobu Romantic Forest" park next to "Folktale Station Somin." The lotus flowers usually begin to bloom around the end of June, and are at their best around mid-July.

We will introduce famous spots where you can see lotus flowers, which are at their best from early July!

Famous lotus spots in Mie Prefecture

There are other famous lotus spots in Mie Prefecture, such as the lotus in TsuCity Hakusan-cho MatsusakaCity, and the Oga Lotus at Chubudai Sports Park in MatsusakaCity.
In this special feature on lotus viewing spots in Mie Prefecture, we provide detailed information on the best spots to view water lilies, as well as the flowering times, locations, and transportation access.

Images from Mie Tourism Editorial Department

Tourism Mie Editorial Department

The lotus flower is a large flower that grows from the water's edge. When you see the pink and white flowers in front of you, you will be amazed at how gorgeous and gorgeous they are. Be sure to get up early to see the mystical lotus flowers blooming by the water in the early morning.

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