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Yamatohime-no-miya Grand Festival [IseJingu Yamatohime-no-miya] Yamato Himenomiya Taisai

Yamatohime-no-miya Grand Festival [IseJingu Yamatohime-no-miya]
Yamatohime-no-miya Grand Festival [IseJingu Yamatohime-no-miya]
Yamatohime-no-miya Grand Festival [IseJingu Yamatohime-no-miya]
Yamatohime-no-miya Grand Festival [IseJingu Yamatohime-no-miya]

Dates: Sunday, May 5, 2024 and Tuesday, November 5, 2024

An annual festival of gratitude to the gods will be held, sponsored by Yamatohime-no-miya Mitsuedai Hosankai. There will also be ceremonial events on the day, and the festival will be lively throughout the day.

You can view and edit the sightseeing route (My Plan on My Page) that will take you around the selected spots.


Detailed information

Sunday, May 5, 2024, Tuesday, November 5, 2024
IseCity kusubecho
telephone number
0596-24-1111 (Jingu Shrine Office)
Access information by public transportation

10 minutes by bus from JR/Kintetsu IseCity Station or Kintetsu Ujiyamada Station

Access information by car

5 minutes from Ise Expressway, Ise Nishi or Ise IC

*Information current as of September 2024. Schedules, fees, etc. may have changed, so please check with the relevant department before visiting.

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