三重県×ミジュマル みえ応援ポケモン ミジュマル

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Mie Prefecture x Mijumaru Report

Where can I find "Poke Lid" in IseCity? Introducing Mijumaru's local collaboration products and nearby tourist spots!
IseCity Pokefuta
Click here for details
Where is the “Poke Lid” in OdaiTown? We will introduce the installation location, parking lot, access information, and recommended spots in the surrounding area!
OdaiTown Pokefuta
Click here for details
Where can I find Poke Lid in KumanoCity? We will introduce the installation location, parking lot, access information, and recommended spots in the surrounding area!
KumanoCity Pokefuta
Click here for details
Where are the Poke Lids in YokkaichiCity? We introduce their locations, parking, access, and other recommended spots in the area!
YokkaichiCity Pokefuta
Click here for details
A thorough explanation of Mijumaru Train! We will inform you of information such as timetables (operation schedules), service sections, and fares!
Interview report image
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Run around Mie! Go on an adventure journey on the Mijumaru train!
Interview report image
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Recommended information

We are disseminating information about the "Mie Prefecture x Mijumaru" collaboration as soon as possible on our official Twitter account!
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