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Mt. Narutani Shohoji Meikokusan Shobouji

Shohoji Temple
Gohonzon: Eleven-faced Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva
Kagami Pond
Narutani Falls
Shohoji Temple in autumn
Goshuin stamp
Shohoji Temple
Gohonzon: Eleven-faced Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva
Kagami Pond
Narutani Falls
Shohoji Temple in autumn
Goshuin stamp

Narutanisan Shohoji is a Zen temple of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism, Myoshinji, whose principal image is the Eleven-faced Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva.
This temple was opened in the second year of Daido in the early Heian period by Dengyo Daishi Saicho Yamatojo, the founder of the Tendai sect. There were many monks in training in the vast precincts, which included the seven halls of the temple, and practiced daily. Meanwhile, during the turbulent period of the Sengoku period, they began to have monk soldiers.
This temple is also caught up in the flow of history. During the Warring States period of the Genki and Tensho eras, the army of Kazumasa Takigawa, a vassal of Oda Nobunaga, defeated the local ruling clans and built a temple that was the main one in the district. They burned it down. Shoho-ji Temple is also a temple that is descended from Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei, so it was completely burned down, ending the 700-year history of lantern transmission since Dengyo Daishi. Ta. It was in February of the 8th year of Tensho.
Later, in the middle of the Tokugawa period, in the first year of the Manji period, the monk of Ryounji Temple in Kanae struggled to find Zen Master Daienhokangudo, who held a zazen session in Kuwana. ), who became the founder of the mountain, and we were able to revive it. And so we are now.
The garden of this temple is thought to have been constructed during the Fujiwara period, and most of the garden has been preserved as it was when it was constructed. In addition, there are two types of ponds: Kaiyu-style and Tsukiyama-style. The larger Kaiyu-style ponds are also called Jodo ponds and represent the world of the Pure Land.
The red seal represents the principal image of the eleven-faced thousand-armed Kannon. It's simple.

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Detailed information

981 Sakamoto, Fujiwaramachi, InabeCity, 511-0518
telephone number
Access by public transportation

1.8km from Nishi-Fujiwara Station on the Sangi Railway Sigi Line (about 20 minutes on foot)

Access by car

12.4km (about 25 minutes) from Tokai Kanjo Expressway "Daian IC"
22.7km (about 45 minutes) from Higashi-Meihan Expressway “Kuwana IC”
24.4km (about 35 minutes) from Meishin Expressway "Sekigahara IC"


Approximately 20 regular cars. Large vehicles are also available. (Usage fee: 300 yen)

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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