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Ichiba Shonomachinami of Ichiba Sho

Ichiba Sho townscape
Ichiba Sho townscape

In MatsusakaCity, there are the Ise Kaido Road, which crosses kumozu River and runs through the town, the Nara Kaido Road, which joins at Oiwake in Tsukimoto, and the Hase Kaido Road, which joins on the south side of the Mito River. is passing through.
During the Edo period, these roads were popular as pilgrimage routes, and many people, from feudal lords to commoners, used to commute day and night on foot, on horseback, or in baskets. In particular, along Ise Kaido in the Ichiba-no-Sho district, the townscape of Tsumairi and Renjikoshi, which are said to be rare in Japan, remains, giving off the atmosphere of the time.

You can view and edit the sightseeing route (My Plan on My Page) that will take you around the selected spots.


Detailed information

MatsusakaCity ichibashocho
telephone number
0598-56-7916 (MatsusakaCity Board of Education Mikumo Education Office)
Access by public transportation

10 minutes walk from Kintetsu Matsugasaki Station

Access by car

15 minutes by car from Ise Expressway Matsusaka Interchange

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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