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WataraiTown fair in VISON Grouse Fair in Visson

WataraiTown fair in VISON
WataraiTown fair in VISON

Event date: Thursday, August 10, 2023 - Sunday, September 10, 2023

The charm of WataraiTown. Rediscovered with VISON

Watarai-WataraiTown is a town with a deep history, with place names written in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki.
Ise GreenTea, which grows surrounded by the beautiful morning mist that rises from the Miyagawa River, is characterized by its deep, fresh taste.
It is a town rich in nature, with the clear Miyagawa River flowing through it and beautiful views from the mountains called the Watarai Mountains, where you can enjoy the experience of coming into contact with nature as time passes slowly.

Please take this opportunity to experience the charm of WataraiTown at VISON.

■ Collaboration menu provided
Special menus devised by Chef VISON using ingredients from WataraiTown Town will be served at restaurants in each area.

[Store offering collaboration menu]

WataraiTown fair in VISON
Confiture H (Confiture Ash)
Watarai Hojicha Opera and Peche et Myrtille

WataraiTown fair in VISON
Kasaan pros and cons
Rich matcha ice cream (with brown sugar syrup) and blueberry frozen yogurt

WataraiTown fair in VISON
Watarai matcha pound cake and homemade pumpkin ice cream

WataraiTown fair in VISON
Mariage de Farine
Watakai blueberry smoothie

■ Special sales corner
During the fair period, a special Marche Vison corner will be held where you can find recommended special products from businesses in WataraiTown.

■ Light Tramarché
On August 10th (Thursday), August 11th (Friday), and on Saturdays and Sundays within the period, we will be holding a light truck marche where you can meet directly with businesses in WataraiTown and purchase products.

■ Tourism booth
A tourism booth set up by WataraiTown Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team to promote the charm of WataraiTown will be set up at Kei Tra Marche.

You can view and edit the sightseeing route (My Plan on My Page) that will take you around the selected spots.


Detailed information

Thursday, August 10, 2023 - Sunday, September 10, 2023
672-1 Vison, Taki-TakiTown

*Information as of August 2023. Dates, prices, etc. may have changed, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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