Hokusei and Iga
Indigo Dyeing and Fermented Tea at an Old Folk Home in a 1300-year-old Tokaido Post Town
Indigo Dyeing and Fermented Tea at an Old Folk Home in a 1300-year-old Tokaido Post Town
该项目为参与者提供了在关宿古民居尝试传统靛蓝染色和茶的机会,关宿是东海道沿线的一个美丽的驿站小镇,全长近 1.8 公里,拥有 1,300 多年的历史。三重县拥有生产靛蓝染色的历史。松阪和伊势棉等和服布。在这个活动中,参与者将了解为什么过去有那么多人在制作自己的染料的同时使用靛蓝染料。染色活动结束后,参与者可以喝 一些用靛蓝染料制成的发酵茶来享受舒缓的时光茶叶在三重县龟山的山上手工采摘,装在原创茶杯中。三重县自古以来就以茶种植地而闻名,也是日本仅有的生产和出口红茶的地方之一。随着茶叶数量的减少作为种植者和茶杯制作者,我们的使命是将传统的茶技术传递给世界。
Points to recommend
- Beautiful town scenery with traditional post town wooden homes
- A space that fuses antique folk craft used on a daily basis and modern craftsmanship
- Silk stoles dyed using traditional methods and indigo dye
- 在工匠制作的杯子中享用龟山茶,龟山茶曾经是日本领先的红茶生产商之一
・靛蓝染色的成分“sukumo”、染液、灰分的说明(约10分钟) ・染色方法的说明(10分钟) ・染色活动(40分钟) ・染色布的悬挂晾干、护理说明染布(10分钟) ·休息(10分钟) ·一边听工房米田女士讲述伊势茶的故事,一边品尝两种伊势茶发酵茶、一些传统的日本干果和原创甜点(60分钟) ・参加者可以将自己制作的靛蓝染布和一些原创茶叶带回家。
Beautiful Iga Ware Crafted from Fire and Earth - Nagatanien, the Iga ware kiln with 200 Years ofJapanese Culinary History
Beautiful Iga Ware Crafted from Fire and Earth - Nagatanien, the Iga ware kiln with 200 Years ofJapanese Culinary History
位于三重县北部的伊贺烧村丸头,周围安静,烟囱拔地而起。这里制作的陶器具有高度耐火性,自古以来就使用明火煮食的陶罐和茶壶。都是在这个村子里制作的。 永谷园是伊贺烧的产地,自 1832 年工坊成立以来,一直延续着这项工艺的技术,制作出的作品在日本和海外都享有很高的评价。该计划为参与者提供了参加特别活动的机会与永谷园第八代掌门人一起参观登窑,聆听有关伊贺烧的鲜为人知的故事,并尝试使用著名的永谷园煲煮饭。千万不要错过品尝用这独特的作品烹制出的美味米饭的机会陶器!
Points to recommend
- Tour the historic Iga pottery kiln established in 1832
- Listen to a special lecture by the eighth head of Nagatanien in a 200-year-old thatched-roof house
- Enjoy a clay pot rice cooking demonstration and try some matcha tea and sweets
- Take home an Iga ware dish as a souvenir
- 1:00 p.m.
- Meet at Nagatanien
- 1:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
- Tour the climbing kiln with the eighth head of Nagatanien and visit the museum (15 min.)
- 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- 在茅草屋顶的房子里聆听永谷园八代当家关于伊贺烧和陶罐的讲座(45分钟) 享受陶罐煮饭示范并品尝抹茶和甜点
- 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
- Visit the gallery and enjoy shopping at the store (30 min.)
Shinobism - Deep Into the Spirit of the Iga Ninja
Shinobism - Deep Into the Spirit of the Iga Ninja
三重县伊贺市作为忍者的发源地而闻名。这个特别的夜间活动在伊贺流忍者博物馆举行,该博物馆位于伊贺忍者的前训练场上。它为游客提供了学习的机会关于忍者的历史、他们的发展、他们的文化以及他们的真实面貌。 这不仅仅是一场武术表演或娱乐之夜。在活跃于内外的阿修罗伊贺忍者团的指导下在日本,游客将有千载难逢的机会体验伊贺忍者的真正精神和技术。
Points to recommend
- This is a completely private nighttime activity in a chartered ninja house
- Visitors will have the chance to see ninjutsu documents not normally available to the public
- Learn about the ninja and ninjutsu based on historical evidence from the Ashura Iga Ninja Group in this once-in-a-lifetime training activity
- 5:30 p.m.
- Meet in the parking lot of Danjiri Museum, then change into ninja attire (15 min.)
- 5:45 p.m.
- Walk from Danjiri Museum to Iga-ryu Ninja Museum (10 min.)
- 5:55 p.m.
- Arrive at Iga-ryu Ninja Museum
- 6:00 p.m.
- <节目第1部分>(30分钟) 伊贺忍者的历史背景和真实故事课程:伊贺忍者(忍术)是如何形成的,忍者是什么,什么是忍术?
- 6:30 p.m.
- <节目第二部分>(90分钟) 学习九种神秘忍者手势,练习投掷手里剑
- 8:00 p.m.
- 活动结束,在忍者屋换回便服(30分钟) 注意:服装和鞋子将由团尻博物馆的工作人员带来。
- 8:30 p.m.
- Participants accompanied to Ueno Park entrance
An Authentic Ninja Experience on the Site of a Mountain Castle
An Authentic Ninja Experience on the Site of a Mountain Castle
Long ago, many mountain castles were built in Iga, where the ninja were valued for their ability to move swiftly when fighting in mountainous terrain. This program offers participants an authentic ninja experience to learn ninjutsu at the site of a mountain castle, just like the ninja of old. The introductory course teaches breathing techniques, mystic hand signs, and fundamental walking techniques based on Iga ninjutsu at an indoor dojo. After lunch, participants will try swinging a sword in the forest, using a grappling hook, concealment techniques, and more while walking through the site of a mountain castle which records say was used for actual ninja training. This program is designed by the Japan Ninja Council, and is part of a rare domestic workshop that offers continuous advancement based on a systematic curriculum.
Points to recommend
- Learn traditional ninjutsu techniques endorsed by the Japan Ninja Council.
- Experience authentic ninja training at the site of an actual mountain castle.
- Participants that complete the program receive an Introductory Course Completion Certificate.
- Lunch is made with healthy ingredients that are produced locally for local consumption.
- Morning:
- 在道场换衣服,学习忍术的定义、基本动作等(约50分钟) 使用当地食材制作的午餐(50分钟) 注:有兴趣的参加者可参加投掷手里剑活动。
- Afternoon:
- 以两座山城旧址为基地,在森林中进行实际忍术活动(城址往返30分钟+活动时间约80分钟), 参加者尝试抓钩、致盲术、呼吸法、如何逃脱追捕者等。森林、隐蔽术、挥剑方法等。 在道场向参加者颁发入门课程结业证书,活动结束。
Experience the Essence of Japanese Spirit through the Tea Ceremony, the Heart of Japanese Hospitality
Experience the Essence of Japanese Spirit through the Tea Ceremony, the Heart of Japanese Hospitality
日本人自古以来就珍视以诚待客的精神,据说这种精神的源头就是茶道,本节目的茶道是由膳食和茶道礼仪组成的全套课程。三重县松阪市曾作为富裕的商业城镇而繁荣,这里是竹川家和著名茶艺大师源元斋会面的竹川庄园(井泽文库)的所在地。在四季风景环绕的日式花园中,以茶道为主题的挂轴、熏香的香气、历史悠久的茶道器具…… 在这项活动中磨练您的感官,体验日本古代待客之道的极致。
Points to recommend
- Experience the world of the tea ceremony at a historic house build over 300 years ago
- Enjoy each element with all five senses, including the tea ceremony implements, works of art, the garden, and tea ceremony dishes, experiencing a superb form of hospitality
- Savor tea ceremony cuisine made with carefully-selected Mie produce
- 10:50 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
- Meet, reception at Takegawa Manor
- 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Explanation of Takegawa Manor (30 min.) (Includes history of Ise merchants, Takegawa family, interaction between Gengensai and Chikusai
- 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- 茶道 使用三重时令食材和抹茶制作的茶道菜肴
- 3:30 p.m.
- 活动结束 以上时间为粗略估计,可能会根据活动进展情况而变化。
Packrafting tour and pizza making with locals in secluded Okuise
Packrafting tour and pizza making with locals in secluded Okuise
该计划让参与者有机会享受三重县僻静的大树镇美丽的原始自然风光,并在旅馆享用午餐。教练将提供易于理解的提示,因此即使是初学者也可以享受漂流,这是一项据说起源于阿拉斯加的河流活动. 参与者将前往被称为日本最纯净的溪流之一的宫川,在近距离欣赏自然美景的同时放松身心!午餐时,他们将与当地业主一起用当地食材制作自己的砖炉披萨在奥伊势,这是远离喧嚣、净化身心的绝佳机会。
Points to recommend
- Enjoy one of the best secluded river rafting experiences in Japan
- Take a break to enjoy some locally-grown coffee or herbal tea amongst gorgeous scenery
- Participants will receive photos and videos on the day of the activity
- Partial proceeds from the plan are donated to river conservation efforts, helping to protect the environment
- Equipped with world-class life saving equipment so participants can feel safe during aquatic activities
- For lunch, participants will create an original pizza made of local ingredients with a guest house owner
- 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Brick oven pizza lunch at Kawabe no Yado Sanzui guest house (90 min.)
- 12:50 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Walk to Yamanorhythm (10 min.)
- 1:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
- Reception and preparation (15 min.)
- 1:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
- Head to start position via car (15 min.)
- 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- Lecture and rafting start (about 3 km, 120 min.)
- 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Return to Yamanorhythm via car, change (30 min.)
- 4:00 p.m.
- Dismissed
The SUKIYAKI GastronomyCycling-tour
The SUKIYAKI GastronomyCycling-tour
牛牛岛拥有水道、传统的老房子和美丽的乡村,是享受骑自行车探险的完美地点,欣赏独特的日本风景。当地人为自己的开拓精神感到自豪,至今仍谈论着很久以前人们通过河道挖掘水道的日子。将贫瘠的土地打造成郁郁葱葱的农业社区。该项目让参与者有机会骑自行车游览村庄的季节风景,同时体验村庄的历史。骑行结束后,他们将品尝特制松阪牛制作的寿喜烧。松阪牛是已经世界闻名,但该品种仅占所有松阪牛的 4%,使其成为一种特别的享受。这是一次豪华的自行车之旅,穿过美丽的村庄,然后品尝终极和牛。 还可以选择有机农场蔬菜采摘活动可用的。
Points to recommend
- A cycling tour through historic Japanese village scenery
- Participants will attend a picture-card show at a traditional home depicting a local story that takes place during the Edo period
- A meal of sukiyaki made with the highest grade of Special Matsusaka Beef will be served
- This is the only place that can offer Special Matsusaka Beef (accounting for only 4% of Matsusaka cows) year-round.
- 10:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.
- Meet at cazacle cycling station for orientation
- 10:10 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
- View a picture-card show at a 300-year-old Japanese home
- 10:50 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
- 骑行(约10公里) 途经名胜古迹(参观手工挖掘的隧道、在稻田拍照、购买豆腐等)
- 11:50 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
- 通过老房子和寿喜烧的翻转享用图表了解和牛 可选:有机农场蔬菜采摘(30 分钟) 采摘时令蔬菜并在寿喜烧中烹饪
Explore the wonder of Japanese Sake on a cycling tour at Meiwa town
Explore the wonder of Japanese Sake on a cycling tour at Meiwa town
Points to recommend
- A sake-themed cycling tour
- Learn about Shinto and Ise Grand Shrine through Shinto no Inori Saio sake
- Tour participants can enjoy sake sweets and lunch made with Kaminoho sake rice
- The program not only offers a tour of the sake brewery, but also a chance to try water used in brewing, and sake sampling
・西久站接待、游览说明、自行车使用方法说明(10 分钟)
・骑车前往下一个地点(10 分钟)
・在竹神社祈祷平安,然后参加参拜礼仪讲座(20 分钟)分钟)
・骑车前往下一个地点(60 分钟)
・参观朝日啤酒厂(边吃清酒甜点边观看视频、品尝清酒酿造水、参观啤酒厂、品尝清酒)、购物(90 分钟)
・前往鸟庄屋乘车午餐(20 分钟)
・味噌烤鸡肉和清酒米饭午餐(90 分钟)
・乘车前往车站(15 分钟)
A 200-year-old Sake brewery visit and Sake pairing course at Hinakaya, a Michelin starred restaurant
A 200-year-old Sake brewery visit and Sake pairing course at Hinakaya, a Michelin starred restaurant
Points to recommend
- 参观日本领先的清酒酿酒厂之一,该酿酒厂在内部处理整个流程,并品尝清酒
- A special dinner at exclusive Hinakaya, located in a beautiful mountain village, where dishes are crafted to perfectly pair with local sake brewed from rare Isenishiki rice
・第 7 代元坂新平酿酒厂介绍、参观酿造过程、品尝清酒(30 分钟) - 2 月
、3 月、10 月和 2 月、3 月、10 月和11 月
・前往日中屋的稻田,了解造酒的环境因素和源坂酿酒厂的举措(30 分钟)
- 下雨时在日中屋室内进行处理
・在日中屋用当地食材与清酒搭配的餐食(3 分钟)清酒种类和 9 道菜)(120 分钟)
Premium lumbering experience and craft yourown wooden chopsticks
Premium lumbering experience and craft yourown wooden chopsticks
Surrounded by beautiful forest, the town of Iidaka is known as one of the top producers of cedar and cypress in the country. This program offers participants the chance to walk among the century-old trees in the forest of Iidaka with Okinaka Zourin, one of the top reforestation companies in Japan. Okinaka Zourin will show participants how to select a tree, then chop it down on their own in this activity. Before cutting a tree down, a Shinto prayer of thanks will be offered as part of a unique Japanese cultural experience. After felling the tree, participants will enjoy a coffee break in the woods and then make a pair of chopsticks and a chopstick rest using local lumber. This out of the ordinary activity offers the chance to experience the forest with all five senses, learn about the important role forests play, and understand how to achieve a sustainable society. It is a valuable experience that grants participants a new perspective on modern living.
Points to recommend
- An enjoyable, but educational activity that teaches about the forest while touching and felling trees in the woods of Iidaka, home to century-old trees
- Participants choose a tree, then chop it down
- Take home some original chopsticks and a chopstick rest made of local lumber
- 9:30 a.m.
- Meet at Roadside Station Haze
- 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
- Go over mountain precautions, then check the program details and schedule
- 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
- Head to forest entrance
- 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Offer a Shinto prayer at the forest owned by Okinaka Zourin, then fell trees
- 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Take a break in the woods, then make chopsticks and chopstick rest
- 12:30 p.m.
- End
乘坐 100 年雪松制成的独木舟并享用野味午餐
乘坐 100 年雪松制成的独木舟并享用野味午餐
饭鹰拥有茂密的森林和清澈的栉田川。过去,河流将绑成木筏的木材一路运送到开阔的平原。为了分享这段历史,百年杉木独木舟的想法诞生了这艘独木舟是用100年树龄的雪松树手工雕刻而成,具有美丽的木纹图案,曾荣获“木材设计奖”。这项活动让参与者有机会沿着栉田川航行,体验历史悠久的伐木岁月。划独木舟穿越河流源头附近的树林,是欣赏饭高森林景色并体验其与人类和谐共处的绝佳方式。划独木舟后,参与者将享用野生动物和其他当地特色午餐( 只有一艘100年历史的雪松独木舟。两人或以上的团体必须乘坐普通独 木舟。)
Points to recommend
- Enjoy a leisurely trip down the Kushida River while taking in the scenery that was once enjoyed by loggers.
- Paddle a hand-carved canoe that won the Wood Design Award
- Savor a meal of local ingredients including wild game amongst the great outdoors. Plates are made of local wood, offering participants the chance to enjoy the true bounty of local nature.
- 9:00 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.
- Meet at Mokuichi, go over canoeing precautions, then check the program details and schedule
- 9:10 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
- Head to Kushida River
- 9:20 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Complete preparations at the river, then enjoy canoeing
- 10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
- Tour the Mokuichi showroom and workshop
- 10:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Lunch of wild game on the Mokuichi terrace
- 12:30 p.m.
- End
Ise-Shima Ise beef and wine paring at micro winary in Ise
Ise-Shima Ise beef and wine paring at micro winary in Ise
伊势市自古以来就被称为“美丽的国家”。以这一遗产命名的伊势市 Umashikuni 酿酒厂于 2022 年 11 月成立,其理念是酿造与来自这个美丽的国家的美妙原料完美搭配的葡萄酒。自然环境 该 项目让参加者在酿酒师的带领下参观酒庄。随后,参加者前往俯瞰酒庄的酒吧,享用由两种不同的日本特有葡萄制成的葡萄酒制成的开胃酒。之后,享用套餐搭配葡萄酒,包括在连续六年获得米其林指南星级的名店附属餐厅“伊势福立亭”使用著名的伊势牛肉制作的砖炉烤牛排 。伊势工匠,从当地食材和自制葡萄酒到建筑、陶器、餐具和艺术品。这是体验马志国伊势的完美方式。
Points to recommend
- Tour of the winery guided by Ise Umashikuni Winery winemakers.
- Wine tasting (two varieties made with grapes unique to Japan) at Yuniwa, the bar overlooking the winery with commentary by a sommelier.
- The restaurant is chartered specifically for this activity (limited to 4 - 6 people) and small children are allowed.
- Activity pairs in-house fermented wine with creative cuisine made from local ingredients.
- Every aspect is crafted by local artisans, including the building, crockery, cutlery, art, etc.
- Each participant may take home a single bottle of wine as a souvenir.
・在酿酒师的带领下参观伊势马式国酒庄 - 15 分钟。
・在俯瞰酒庄的 Yuniwa 酒吧喝开胃酒 - 15 分钟。
・用当地食材烹制的创意美食搭配伊势福立亭自产葡萄酒 - 120 分钟。
Premium dinner with Ama butler at private beach
Premium dinner with Ama butler at private beach
海女是捕捞鲍鱼、海胆等海鲜的女性自由潜水者。海女捕鱼是三重县志摩市2000多年的传统,被指定为重要无形民俗文化财产。活跃的海女有200多名,是日本重要的无形民俗文化财产之一。是该国少数仍然实行这种捕鱼方式的地方之一。海女的平均年龄为 65 岁! 这个项目为参与者提供了在精力充沛的海女的陪伴下尽情享受志摩的机会。首先,参与者将乘船出海体验他们传统的篮子捕鱼技术,收集各种新鲜的海鲜。接下来,他们将在私人海滩上享用用新鲜捕获的海鲜制成的特别晚餐。海妈担任自己的私人管家,为您带来难忘的体验。
Points to recommend
- A fishing experience with current ama from Shima.
- Ama butlers provide special hospitality for participants.
- Enjoy the flavors of Shima prepared by a top chef on a private beach.
- <备注> *可能的厨师:志摩米其林指南一星级餐厅的主厨 *根据日期,由当地著名厨师或来自该国其他地区的其他顶级厨师来准备餐点 *雨天时在室内进行。
- 2:00 p.m.
- 在以下地点之一集合,然后乘船前往篮子钓鱼点(约 45 分钟) 注:时间可能会根据季节而变化 ・海女小屋里面面 ・各参加者住宿处的码头 ・贤岛港
- 2:45 p.m.
- Basket fishing activity (10 min.)
- 3:30 p.m.
- Head to private beach (15 min.)
- 4:00 p.m.
- Course meal begins
- 6:00 p.m.
- Ends, participants dropped off at accommodations via tuk tuk
① 汤
② 前菜精选
③ 生鱼片
④ 天妇罗
⑤ 米饭
⑥ 红味噌汤
⑦ 泡菜
⑧ 甜点
A Unique Pearl Jewelry Experience at Pearl Miki Discover and learn pearl culture in Iseshima
A Unique Pearl Jewelry Experience at Pearl Miki Discover and learn pearl culture in Iseshima
Points to recommend
- Try seeding oysters, which is the essence of pearl cultivation.
- Each pair of participants will collect pearls from a single net (32 oysters),then use their favorite pearls to make an accessory.
- Participants are picked up and dropped off in a tuk tuk, the perfect mode of transportation for enjoying the Shima seaside.
- 9:30 a.m.
- Meet at Ama Hut Satoumian. Head to Pearl Miki by tuk tuk.
- 10:00 a.m.
- 活动开始 ・稀有牡蛎播种活动 ・从单网 32 个牡蛎中收集珍珠(2 人份)(每人 16 个牡蛎) ・从收集的珍珠中选择制作一件珠宝
- 1:00 p.m.
- Activity ends and participants are dropped off at Ama Hut Satoumian
- 1:30 p.m.
The above times are rough estimates and are subject to change depending on the progress of the activity.
海女是自由潜水的女性,她们传承了 2,000 多年的传统捕鱼方法。伊势志摩是全国海女最多的故乡,并且发展了从古至今延续至今的丰富文化。何不加入伊势志摩的潜水员们,用这种古老的方法游下海去捕捉海胆吗? 这项活动让参与者有机会从实际的海女那里了解潜水员的历史、他们的生活以及他们如何与海洋共存,同时为他们做出贡献为了保护丰富的海洋环境,捕获了当地存在数量过多的恒河海胆。参与者捕获海胆后,可以自己制作海鲜盖饭,享用这道美味。
Points to recommend
- Dive with marine expert ama at Ago Bay in Ise-Shima National Park.
- Catch gangaze, which taste very similar to common sea urchin, with ama to help protect the marine environment of Ise-Shima.
- 10:00 a.m.
- Meet at Entrada Kashikojima (1 minute walk from Kintetsu Kashikojima Station)
- 10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
- Change (20 min.)
- 10:20 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
- Tour explanation, history and culture of ama, info on gangaze sea urchins (30 min.)
- 10:50 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
- Head to diving spot by boat (15 min.)
- 11:05 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
- Diving with ama, catch gangaze (45 min.)
- 11:50 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
- Head to Kashikojima by boat (15 min.)
- 12:05 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Shower and change (25 min.)
- 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
- Make seafood bowl with gangaze and miso soup with sea lettuce, eat (60 min.)
- 1:30 p.m.
- Dismissed
The source of Umami Katsuo no Tenpaku, bonito smoking hut
The source of Umami Katsuo no Tenpaku, bonito smoking hut
据说鲣鱼干是日本料理中鲜味的起源之一。位于因鲣鱼捕捞而繁荣的伊势志摩南部边缘的薙切,拥有 1,300 年的制作这种食材的历史,独特的熏制方法,作为鲣鱼干的生产者而蓬勃发展。 本次活动让参与者有机会参观被日本政府指定为重要有形文化财产的熏制室,在那里他们可以亲眼目睹制作鲣鱼干的悠久传统,并尝试剃须亲自品尝一些新鲜的鲣鱼米饭,体验日本烹饪中鲜味的起源。鲣鱼干是当地的鲣鱼干,质量上乘,味道鲜美,因供应给伊势而在历史上占有一席之地大神社,参与者将了解这种原料与三重清酒的关系,三重清酒也提供给神社。
Points to recommend
- A private event for singe groups only
- Participants visit an authentic smokehouse where dried bonito is made, and learn about its history and production method from a company representative
- Participants will also try shaving bonito and sample some freshly-cooked rice topped with bonito shavings
- An explanation of sake offered to the gods will be followed by a tasting of Mie sake
- 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
- Company representative provides an explanation of the history of dried bonito, how it is made, and how it is related to Ise Grand Shrine (45 min.)
- 10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
- Bonito shaving activity, explanation of sake provided to the gods, sake sampling (30 min.)
- 11:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- After the activity, there is a soup stock sampling and sampling of freshly-cooked rice topped with bonito shavings (15 min.)
Participants who wish to do so may shop once the program is over.
Trekking through Scenic Mt. Tengura and Iwayado - Tracing the ancient mountain faith and Shugendo ascetics
Trekking through Scenic Mt. Tengura and Iwayado - Tracing the ancient mountain faith and Shugendo ascetics
Long ago, nature and large rocks were objects of worship in Kumano. The area is home to the Kumano Kodo trail, a UNESCO World Heritage site walked by many pilgrims, natural forests, massive rocks, waterfalls, and other spots visited by Buddhist mountain ascetics in training. In Owase, participants will find large rocks and waterfalls used by such ascetics, with temples connected to these training spots in the city, leading historians to believe that the entire city of Owase was dedicated to ascetic training. This course offers participants the chance to follow in the footsteps of ascetic monks by walking the stone-paved Kumano Kodo trail, visiting spots such as a large rock, Magose Fudo Falls, Mt. Tengura, and Iwayado to experience an ancient pilgrimage and the places ascetics prayed. The gorgeous scenery of the ocean from Mt. Tengura (altitude: 522 m) is not to be missed.
Points to recommend
- Tour mountain asceticism prayer spots that served as training grounds amongst nature
- Visit Iwayado, protected by a massive rock, which houses Edo period stone Buddha statues, served as a place of prayer for ascetic monks, and is cherished by local people even today
- Walk through Magose Pass on Kumano Kodo, a pilgrimage path trod by ancient ascetics
- Enjoy the view of the ocean from Mt. Tengura (altitude: 522 m)
- 9:00 a.m.
- Meet at Owase Station
- 9:05 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
- Head to Magose Pass entrance
- 9:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
- Visit the large rock, Magose Fudo Falls, Magose Pass on the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Kumano Kodo trail, Mt. Tengura (altitude: 522 m, lunch),Iwayado, and Owase Shrine
- 3:45 p.m. - 3:55 p.m.
- Head to Owase Station
- 4:00 p.m.
- Dismissed at Owase Station
Walk the Magose pass on the Kumano Kodo trail, UNESCO World heritage site, in traditional travel garb
Walk the Magose pass on the Kumano Kodo trail, UNESCO World heritage site, in traditional travel garb
Long ago, it was popular for people from all across Japan to walk hundreds of kilometers to tour sacred sites such as Ise Grand Shrine and Kumano Sanzan (the Three Grand Shrines of Kumano). Many travelers walked the perilous Magose Pass, which is part of the Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range that leads to Kumano Sanzan. The beautiful stone paved path leading deep into the forest has been lovingly maintained by locals for centuries, and still looks as it did long ago. This program offers participants the chance to dress in travel garb recreated from ukiyo-e prints and historic documents and walk the Magose Past just as ancient travelers did. Partial proceeds from the program are used to preserve the stone paving and keep the scenery in pristine condition for future generations.
Points to recommend
- Private tour limited to one group per day
- Wear traditional travel attire like those in an ukiyo-e print, and take photos at scenic spots along the ancient stone paved path of Magose Pass
- 享受导游带领的旅游,并解释游客的经历,让参与者穿越回日本江户时代
- Partial proceeds are donated to a group that preserves and maintains the Kumano Kodo trail
- Participants will receive mochi and an original Japanese wrapping cloth to take home
- 9:50 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
- 身着江户时代旅行服装的导游在道之站美山一楼迎接参加者
- 10:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.
- Explanation of the activity, participants choose their favorite kimono color, pattern, and sash
- 10:10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
- Change into kimono and attach accessories
- 11:00 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.
- Explanation of route and head to Magose Pass entrance on foot
- 11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
- Walking Magose Pass on the Kumano Kodo trail UNESCO World Heritage Site
- 12:10 p.m. - 12:20 p.m.
- Walk from Magose Pass to Roadside Station Miyama
- 12:20 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- 换回便装,活动结束 包含麻糬纪念品和日本包布
A Noctiluca night tour on a sea kayak
A Noctiluca night tour on a sea kayak
The Kumano Kodo route is well known around the world, but what about the Ocean Kumano Kodo? Part of this route includes walking along the coast, and records show that some ancient pilgrims traveled it by boat. Situated on the Pacific, the beautiful Mikisato coast is linked to the Ocean Kumano Kodo. From summer to autumn, you can see the gently glowing noctiluca as they float in the ocean. This program offers participants the chance to observe these bioluminescent marine creatures up close in a sea kayak, and includes a kayaking lesson so even beginners can have fun. It also includes a snack at sunset made by a local delicatessen served with locally-grown tea. The pure air in this spot makes it the perfect place to view the Milky Way on clear nights. Come take in the dreamlike sight of noctiluca and the star-filled night sky from the ocean.
Points to recommend
- A kayaking lesson is provided so even beginners can participate with ease
- Paddle out on the nighttime ocean for an exciting adventure
- Gaze at noctiluca and the star-filled night sky while paddling on the ocean in a sea kayak
- Watch the sunset while eating a snack from a local delicatessen with some tea
- 6:00 p.m.
- Meet, fill in application, change, head to beach
- 6:30 p.m.
- Lesson begins
- 7:15 p.m.
- Break, snack time
- 7:45 p.m.
- Noctiluca tour begins
- 8:45 p.m.
- Return to land, clean up, head back, shower
- 9:15 p.m.
- Dismissed
- 5:45 p.m.
- Meet, fill in application, change, head to beach
- 6:15 p.m.
- Lesson begins
- 7:00 p.m.
- Break, snack time
- 7:30 p.m.
- Noctiluca tour begins
- 8:30 p.m.
- Return to land, clean up, head back, shower
- 9:00 p.m.
- Dismissed
- 5:15 p.m.
- Meet, fill in application, change, head to beach
- 5:45 p.m.
- Lesson begins
- 6:30 p.m.
- Break, snack time
- 7:00 p.m.
- Noctiluca tour begins
- 8:00 p.m.
- Return to land, clean up, head back, shower
- 9:30 p.m.
- Dismissed
- 4:45 p.m.
- Meet, fill in application, change, head to beach
- 5:15 p.m.
- Lesson begins
- 6:00 p.m.
- Break, snack time
- 6:30 p.m.
- Noctiluca tour begins
- 7:30 p.m.
- Return to land, clean up, head back, shower
- 8:00 p.m.
- Dismissed
Visit the Only Swordsmith in Mie and Make Your Own Knife
Visit the Only Swordsmith in Mie and Make Your Own Knife
三重县唯一的刀剑作坊隐藏在深山之中。本次活动让参与者有机会拜访在这个僻静的地方制作刀剑的孤独刀匠炭谷健一郎。在传统的日本家庭中了解日本刀的历史,了解如何制作刀剑随时代变化的形状,拿起并检验一些独特的刀剑,然后参观 Sumiya 的工作室,随后参与者将用木炭加热与日本刀相同钢制成的刀刃,然后在水中快速冷却以达到最佳效果。在淬火过程中创造出刃纹,这种完全私人的活动是一种难得的体验,几乎感觉就像被接受为剑匠的学徒一样。
Points to recommend
- 直接从剑匠那里了解日本刀的历史和制作方法,包括问答环节。
- This truly unique experience takes place in an old Japanese home secluded deep in the mountains.
- The knife made during the activity can be shipped about 5 days later (domestic shipping only).
・从刀匠 Sumiya 那里了解日本刀的历史、制造方法以及如何欣赏它们,包括问答环节(60 分钟)