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shish meat

shish meat
shish meat

Wild meat. Cooking with miso flavor also eliminates the characteristic bitter taste. Good for hot pot dishes.
There is also ham made from shish meat.

You can view and edit the sightseeing route (My Plan on My Page) that will take you around the selected spots.


Detailed information

177 Miyamae, Iidakacho, MatsusakaCity
telephone number
0598-46-0808 (いいたかの店)
business hours
December 30th - January 1st
Access by public transportation

53 minutes by bus bound for Iidaka from Matsusaka Station and get off at “Iidaka Regional Promotion Bureau”

Access by car

40 minutes from Ise Expressway Matsusaka IC via Route 166

*Prices are subject to change, so please check with your contact information before going out.

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